Friday, February 29, 2008

Slaying the Dragon

I guess I should just let go of the massive ego I have over this.

I guess I should make the first move.

I KNOW I'll regret this if I continue sitting on my ass and waiting for things to happen to me.

I know I can do better than this.

I don't wanna lose that shine.

I wanna make them WANT me.

*This is obviously an attempt to psych myself up to swallow my damn pride and actually ask for a job.*

I just...........wanna go home and sleep, really.

Great Fast Company article that I just re-read to motivate myself - about the vital role middle management plays in "building pride" in an organization - essentially, Getting Extraordinary Performance When You Can't Pay for It. Love that. Wish more people in my organization would read it. It is NOT always about the money, you know. Simple recognition can go a long way in many, many circumstances. It's about bothering to do it or not.

At the end of the day, I am the Master of My Own Destiny.

As is the Law of Attraction, everything that happens to me, good or bad, is a product of my attitude to the universe around me. Don't think I didn't learn anything from my Core Leadership course, okay!

Pwah, at the same time I marvel at my ability to turn this supposed hiccup into a major drama. Heheh.

Okie, gotta go now, no sense wasting time blogging my miseries and innerself wrestling when there is a monster to go conquer.

Wish me luck, ok?

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