Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Of Lemmings & Pig Wrestling

Am back in the office.

Life gets uncomfortable sometimes. Like today, for instance - should I pursue what I want?

Or wait it out until ex-Boss is back to, erm, back me up? Think I'll lie low for today.

Am working out a negotiation plan. A trade off, perhaps? Win-win, maybe.

- am currently reading Never Wrestle with a Pig (and 90 Other Ideas to Build Your Business and Career). which I bought at the airport yesterday waiting for my connecting flight back to good ol' Miri.

It's got lots of practical advice, e.g. we really tend to over-rate and over-value ourselves; plan for Thursday on Tuesday; you don't need 10 good reasons to kill one bad decision, etc etc. And of course, never wrestle with a pig, namely that person who HAS to get the last word all the time, who thinks he/she is smarter/better/suffers more than everyone else. You get dirty and only the pig enjoys it. I like that advice. Lots of pigs here.

That's a lot of common sense. You'd think we'd realize these kind of things, huh? Most of the time we're drowning in "decision-making" meetings because one guy can take the bullet but you can't punish the whole group can you? It's like freakin' Emperor's New Clothes here. Or Pipe Piper of Hamelyn. We're the lemmings of non-accountability and talk-but-no-walk. Or to be more precise, talk-but-someone-else-walk.

So in my opinion, the book's a nice refreshing wake up call. Akin to a cold shower in the mornings - really wakes you up, but not as torturing :) And made for a really interesting flight read too. I was wishing that I had a flourescent markerthe whole time, so I could highlight the really good ones.

Chose it over The Law of Attraction, which seemed a but wishy-washy to me. Learning to stop negative "vibrations", etc etc just ain't cutting it with me. So, no regrets, despite Pigs being slightly more expensive and the really great reviews for LoA on Amazon.

Received my letter of appointment today, and sat through the boss of the boss of the boss of my boss yawning through his talk with me. Why do you think your perception of the programme is so different from others? Erm, because I give off positive vibes (must be my deodarant).


Anyways, did a little gentle lobbying for the position I want. Hey, take all the opportunities we can, right?

Wish me luck.

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