Friday, January 11, 2008

New Year Pizzas

2008 came quietly for us. Our family gathered at my Aunt's place way before midnight for conversation, coffee and snacks. My 25-ear old cousin brought her pet terrapins, Phil and Lil along. Mum and Brother Grump#2 actually fell asleep while awaiting the countdown, so that gives you a pretty good idea on how happenning our little party was :)

I did make some homemade pizzas using the same recipe I had used before, Giada's no-fail one.

And despite having the oven available at home in Penang, I found that it is still better made in the little oven toaster. For one, the heating element for the toaster is located below the pizza, enabling the crust to brown and crisp nicely on the bottom. So I really recommend this method now that I have tried it the second time, and compared it to using a convection oven.

I made 2 sauces - one of them the white cheese sauce I made before. The other was just as simple - saute some garlic in a little oil, add processed canned tomatoes+red pepper mixture. Season to taste (I added sugar to cut the aciditiy down).

Toppings - leftover turkey stuffing (sausage), leftover chicken loaf, fresh button mushrooms, bell pepper, caramelized onion, oregano. Plus lots of extra mozarella cheese, of course.

I love the crisped areas where the cheese blistered and browned, and the tasty crispy crust. So much more rewarding than delivery, I think, and a great appetizer to 2008.

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