Thursday, February 2, 2012

Of Now and After

My dears, AK has finally moved back to the West. Me, I am still here. Still waiting for my turn.

Which means, on the food front, many weeks - no, days (I have to stay hopeful) of instant noodles, peanut butter sandwiches, takeaway roast chicken and the like. Man I hope that metallic taste on my tongue (from too much MSG) ain't permanent.

I have said this before, I lose the mood to cook and the appetite to eat when AK is not around - why bother when it's only me, you know?

The good news is that we're househunting and I am already dreaming of all the things I want for our new place. And househunting, be it tiring (driving around, walking up and down checking out streets and every single room of every house we see), frustrating (irresponsible/unethical real estate agents) and terrifying (oh crap should we what if the economy tanks just after we buy it what if we can't take the traffic what if the other residents don't pay maintenance what if we can't sell it or rent it out later). But it is fun and I love driving around imagining what life could would be like if we, say, bought a place in Bangsar vs. Mont Kiara vs. Subang Jaya.

But now I just got back to Miri and expect to while away the days reading other people's blogs until my next trip back. I have started to imagine all the things I intend to do here on my own, and better still, when I finally get to settle down in KL. Some are less ambitious than others, some are necessary for sustenance, some downright frivolous. Sources of inspiration included.

Here in Miri:-

1) Make my own peanut butter.
2) Make granola
3) Roast my own chicken (albeit on a smaller scale, probably a breast or two)

And in the very near future, I promise to:

1) Date my fiance, the way she does
2) Have people over for big meals like Nigella Lawson does, roast something all-a-gleaming on the table. Something like Martha Stewart Living's creation here.
3) Attempt a bake sale.

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