Sunday, July 12, 2009

Self Care

I've been a lot more conscious of taking better care of myself. It's all about balance.

I was too insecure, too self doubting to actually take better care of myself. Stupidly, I used to believe that people would not take me seriously if I indulged in a little self pampering - that face masks and massages are for dizzy, rich ladies with nothing better to do.

But now, older, wiser, I realize that I can have my cake and eat it too.

So here's my list of things I do, that I regard as self-care, that I have not been doing since I started working, actually:-

1) Curl up on the couch/bed with a Jodi Picoult novel and a cup of steaming green tea
2) Applying my L'occitane Shea Butter Lotion all over my legs and arms before bed
3) Yoga - I've restarted my daily sun salutations that was my daily staple at university. And it is 6 years overdue - really, what took me so long?
4) Eating high quality chocolates
5) Eating a good breakfast - oats, with milk and sugar and cinnamon.
6) Getting AK to help me clean the house

More additions to the list, I promise.

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