Monday, January 19, 2009

Roasted Button Mushrooms with Spagetthi Herbs

What to cook when you're in the middle of re-moving in? Our stove is not yet set up, my knives are still in the bag, and the house is generally a huge mess right now.

No worries, at least we still got the oven so generously "donated" by a friend who bought a built-in one.

So here's a recipe for these kinda times.

So simple - 1st preheat your oven at 220 degC. Clean and trim the mushrooms, aka cut off the fatter stalks and brush off any traces of soil you see. Pile into a tray, add a teeny bit of oil, sprinkle on some salt and whatever flavourings on hand - I sprnkled on some Lea & Perrins and dried basil+oregano. Dab some butter on the tray, let them nestle between the mushrooms.
Bake for 15 minutes, then open give everything a stir, and bake a little more - say 5 minutes.


I imagine some garlic thrown in would be nice too

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