Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Too Much Too Soon

Gotta stop spending.

Just totalled up my latest purchases over the last 3 months since the start of this year and I've spent more than a thousand bucks on the most minor of stuff - impulse purchases at the airport, shoes, ebay (one of which ruined my one and only fave pink shirt when I washed them together &%$@#!).

Gotta-stop-now. I coulda bought a new digicam with that money.

But then....I wouldn't go to sleep to Jodi Picoult. And I know I can never rest in peace until I own Nigella Lawson's books - just bought How to Eat and am planning to get How to be A Domestic Goddess the next time I come - both in one go would just be too heavy for me to lug to/at the airport.

And I do love my new shoes from Eclipse. Pics to come, they're so beautiful and they make me feel that way too.

And damnit, I love my discounted top from Tangs that makes me look thinner than I really am and doesn't need ironing - really, what more could one ask of a top??

And I do need new moisturizer and powder after more than a year of using the same stuff.

I'm posting here because I need to STOPPIT NOW.

Now I can justify it because my bonus just came in, but last year I spent the same amount of money only in December, and it's only March this year.

And I have a cat that eats way too much too. Ok, ok - he's got nothing to do with my crazy shopping, but he does eat a lot of cat food.

*deep breath* Here goes:

Eclipse Pewter Heels - RM97
Eclipse Black Heels - RM103
Nigella Lawson - How to Eat - RM90
Lonely Planet Cambodia - RM88
Jodi Picoult's New Book - forgot the damn title but it was a good one - RM36
Never Wrestle With a Pig - RM50
LipIce+RM7 for a new body scrub - RM19
New no-iron Top from Tangs - RM90 (discounted)
eBay Purchases - RM148 (my only regret)
Hairbands - RM16
CNY shoes (black pumps) - RM55
Silicone tongs - RM50 ( does have a lifetime warranty...)
Silpat Baking Mat - RM25 (this also)
Parkson CNY purchases RM220 (Benetton loose pants, spaghetti strap top, dusky blue top knit top) - RM220
Popular discounted books - RM75

AK is gonna jump out of his skin when he sees these numbers. Just a reminder, dear, that I'm not buying a new laptop/desktop. So don't freak too much, ok???

But oh crap, it really is a lot of money. And not that much to show for it - no camera or nice watch or that Braun Buffel wallet that I fell in love with. Oh double crap.

I really think I need to be tied down to the hotel bed the next time I visit KL.

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