Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Those Not-So Little Things

I love......

1) You bringing the house down with your crazy jokes. You are the lifeblood of this household! This little house is so quiet without you.

2) Your unwavering support during all those times I was sulky and petulant and felt that the world was against me.

3) Us fighting over who gets the lounge side of the sofa, as we settle down to watch Glee and How I Met Your Mother.

4) Our nightly ritual where you would bring me water and a hug and kiss.

5) You happily playing guinea pig in my kitchen alchemy adventures. How I would wake up in the morning and find evidence of cookies/burgers/soup saved up for the next day mysteriously depleted :)

6) Watching you be a daddy to our beloved BooBoo, teaching him to sit , jogging around the house, making him jump barriers, coming up with all kinds of creative punishment for his naughtiness. And how he adores you - following you around the house, insisting on climbing onto your lap/pillow.

Needless to say, we miss you.

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