Monday, April 12, 2010

Weekend Humdrum

Here's what I did this weekend despite the double whammy - major food poisoning episode and a particularly horrible episode of the time of the month. I managed to makeup for sleeping the entire Saturday by being extra productive on Sunday. Here's what I did:-

1) Expanded my little garden. I managed to find a guy in the market selling mint and basil plants, and I had to have them both (2 mint plants, actually). I then immediately made a beeline to the the Pottery shop and bought 3 square shaped pots with built-in drainage. Genius!

I can't help putting up more photos of the progress I've been making. Granted it's small and painfully slow at times, but it is enriching somewhat to see something you've nurtured show signs of growth and flourish.

2) I made dulche le leche, or the easiest milk jam in the whole wide world. Just a can of condensed milk in a pot of water over a slow simmer for4 hours, reheat to dissolve a pinch of sea salt and you've got a wonderful caramel condiment to spread on crackers, to top cupcakes and dress fruit salads.

Oh, and I also made a huge pot of soup, to sustain us for the week ahead.
Can't believe it's Thursday already.

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