Sunday, October 21, 2012

Gandhi's words

The first place our irreverent Mumbai guide, Felix, insisted we visit was the Gandhi museum. And I could see why any Indian would be proud of such a figure.
My own words here fail me, here in the presence of the Mahatma's.
And thus I leave you with such.
Gandhi on virtues:

On following what you know is right.

On women and equality:

A rendering of how his pacifist protests brought warring factions together:

His vision for his country. I think India today would depress him. Malaysia too.

"A leader of his people, unsupported by any outward authority, a politician whose success rests not upon craft nor mastery of technical devices, but simply on the convincing power of his personality; a victorious fighter who has always scorned the use of force; a man of wisdom and humility, armed with resolve and inflexible consistency, who has devoted all his strength to the uplifting of his people and the betterment of their lot; a man who has confronted the brutality of Europe with the dignity of the simple human being, and thus at all times risen superior.

Generations to come, it may be, will scarce believe that one such as this will ever in flesh and blood walked this earth."

- Princeton writeup


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