Sunday, April 22, 2012


A weekend of catching up on sleep, housework and cooking. We haven't gone on a proper vacation this year, what with AK's new assignment, my impending move, buying a place of our own (and all the stress and expenses that come with it). I have been going over our old vacation photos, and realise how much I miss those relaxing days in Phuket, Chiangmai and Bali. Anyway, here are a few little things that helped me unwind:
1) Burning my British India citronella candle while reading under my night light, tucked into freshly laundered sheets
2) Tea for one - a slice of home made key lime pie (made with ordinary local limes, recipe soon), a piece of homemade peanut biscotti, coffee. Reading Harumi Murakami's Norwegian Wood, while the rain patters outside.
3) Cuddle time with Boo Boo (whether he likes it or not)

4) Trading design ideas with AK for our new place (rendering by him, I mostly send him photos of stuff I like)

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