Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ridiculous Randomness

Exhausted and unmotivated.

Oh for some kind of perk, something.

I want:-

- A new place to stay, hopefully NOT in Miri
- A scuba diving license
- An enrollment in a CFA class
- A new elliptical trainer
- A vacation!!! I've been dreaming of a spa getaway for weeks now, what with all the sweat and dust and grime that I face every day. Can you blame me??

But more that that, I just want to get away.

Why is it that I always want to be someplace else other than HERE?

Why is that I am always ungrateful?

Why do I always WANT something?

Why does the happiness fade? Does it mean that it wasn't real?

Why does elation become deflation?

Why is there always something hurting?

I'd give anything to be able to take a nap, now.

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