Thursday, May 31, 2012

Oven omelette

I previously mentioned that, given that I have a little over a month left here, I decided not to refill my cooking gas tank. But I still have most of my meals at home - using my trusty electrical appliances - kettle, microwave, toaster oven. I'll admit - a lot of it is heating up fried chicken and fishballs bought from the deli counters of supermarkets and instant noodles. But I make do.

Today, since i had a bit more time, I tore up a piece of aluminium foil, placed it in my trusty Indian copper platter and smeared a little oil all over it. I diced up an onion and tossed it in the oil with a little Maggie seasoning and placed it in the oven toaster with dial up to 12 minutes. Meanwhile I broke 2 eggs in a bowl, grated in a clove of garlic and some ginger. Since I had some mozarella I tossed a couple of slices in too. Tossed in a very finely sliced bird's eye chilli too, and whisked it all up with a fork. I opened the toaster door to the sweet smell of my onions caramellizing and a nice sizzling sound. I poured the contents of the bowl over the onions and closed the door. By the time the timer rang, I had a nice little frittata ready.

Voila, dinner.

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