Friday, December 10, 2010

December Blues

AK has left for KL and left me all alone. Hmph.

Still one and a half weeks to go before Penang beckons.

My neck aches, my head/jaw hurts and my throat is sore. Probably from the lousy Le Meridian bed, dry air conditioned air and general depression after the house was filled with people when Mum and Dad were here, and now it's just Boo and I.

I still have a ton of things to do - book our accomodation in India, download the Garmin maps, tidy up my financial documents, backup data, etc, etc. Not to mention the house is in a right mess.

Grumpy, I am.

Weekend, I need thee.
By the way, the shot above was taken of the road leading to the Nexus Karambunai resort in Sabah. Spooky green lighting+trying to shoot from a moving car.

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