Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Hague

Heritage buildings all around, pedestrian walkways, serious-looking Europeans scuttling by in expensive-looking overcoats. The Hague, my friends, is a solemn, serious city. The sky was blue-grey, the buildings wore coats of rust and garnet and slate grey. We walked past international banks and the ICJ below. Serious-looking people all buttoned up in tweed and wool overcoats carrying briefcases and heading somewhere important.

I hope to live here someday...just for a couple of years.

Ancient apocathery-pharmacy. Seriously, check out the glass jars of medicine, the copper pans, the dark wood beam ceilings. So medieval.

The biggest photo in this montage is, I believe, the Dutch Parliament building (if I'm not mistaken). Security was almost nonexistent, which explains how I managed a (veeeeeery short) conversation with the Dutch Prime Minister, Jan Peter Balkenende. who, as the nearby reporter explained to me, had a fierce tween girl following thanks to his resemblance to Daniel Radcliffe (you know, Harry Potter).

Shots of the sombre-looking International Court of Justice.

This monument, with hundreds of types of stones surrounding it, represents the nations that are part of the UN (or something like that)

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