By the LLuminari Experts
(I've bolded the ones I love)
We can all be susceptible to feeling we have to fix everything or make everything perfect. The only thing this is…this creates a perfectly stressful situation! Learn how to find a stress reducing approach to your life.
(I've bolded the ones I love)
We can all be susceptible to feeling we have to fix everything or make everything perfect. The only thing this is…this creates a perfectly stressful situation! Learn how to find a stress reducing approach to your life.
Change the pace of your day! Talk, walk, or drive at a slower pace.
Get the first appointment of the day—this decreases the chances you'll have to wait.
Turn off the television!
Turn it off!
Buy more underwear so you don't have to do laundry as often.
Let someone do you a favor.
Consolidate errands and chores.
Cook in large batches and freeze it.
Listen to music you like.
Create art or look at some.
Wear comfortable clothes
Keep a photograph from your vacation at your desk, or keep a card from a loved one in your briefcase
Forgive and forget a grudge.
Have breakfast in bed or take yourself to lunch.
Walk in a park, appreciate nature, watch the clouds.
Get a massage.
Take a time-out to get away mentally or physically.
Schedule more time than you think you will need.
Allow twice as long to get where you are going or to complete a project.
Let someone else drive.
Cry. Crying can restore chemical balance in you body.
Keep it simple.
Keep your house picked up.
Don't over schedule.
Strive for realistic deadlines.
Never make a promise you can't keep.
Allow an extra half-hour for everything you do.
Create quiet surroundings at home and at work.
Always carry something interesting to read.
Breathe—deeply and often.
Get moving—walk, dance, run or find a sport you enjoy.
Be, instead of do.
Set aside one day a week for rest and renewal.
Laugh more often.
Luxuriate in your senses
Always opt for comfort.
If you don't love it, live without it.
Don't answer the telephone during dinner.
Start pleasing yourself.
Stay away from negative people.
Don't squander precious resources: time, creative energy, emotion
Nurture friendships.
Don't be afraid of your passion.
Honor your aspirations and set achievable goals.
Surrender expectations.
Savor beauty.
Don't worry; be happy. Embrace happiness as a living emotion.
Choose serenity over security.
Care for your soul and cherish your dreams.
Express love every day.
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