Saturday, September 27, 2008

You need some Brains for Bread

Finally, a cooking post after almost a year of grumbling and mumbling about work!

First of all, let me say something - it's the oven's fault.

Sigh. What went wrong?

Reminder to self - I need an oven thermometer. Fresh yeast. Half a brain.

Here is my lousy version of the olive oil No-Knead bread, much better versions found here and here.

Is it because (and here is why, looking back, I said half a brain) I:

- Piled the toppings on the dough like a pizza but baked in at a lower temperature?

- ignored the instructions to "Stretch surface of dough on each side and tuck under, creating a round, ball with a taut surface. Flatten dough ball a little. Keep the dough covered until ready to use." I kinda just spooned out the dough from bowl to tray and used the back of a spoon to smooth it out, like cake batter *blush*

- left the dough out only for one hour when the recipe said two?
- really messed up the water measurements (1 cup = 16 tablespoons, 3/4 cup does NOT equal 3 tablespoons)?

But I really, really believe, that it was the oven that did me in. You see, like so many of you, I have an oven which lies to me...(highly suspects that the 200 degC on the oven dial wasn't really 200 degC)

Sigh. Where can one get an oven thermometer in Miri?

I really like the toppings though. I roasted five whole unpeeled cloves of garlic in butter with some rosemary (yeah baby, I actually used the dried rosemary I brought all the way back from Penang - finally! It came out smelling a bit like toothpaste but the when spread on the bread and went really well with the ham) in foil parcels. I then mashed the soft roasted garlic with the melted butter and spread this on top of my bread. In the middle of the sheet of dough I made a little indentation with my oiled tablespoon and cracked an egg into that. Studded the loaf with chicken loaf and sprinkled the whole lot with dried parsley.

So I would do this again (heh, not that I have a choice, I still have 3 batches of dough in the fridge to play with). Maybe with the same ingredients but as a stuffing like this lady did?

Wish me luck..!

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