AK and Deb in front of the Independence Monument in Phnom Penh.

Nearby the airport, you can pay some USD to shoot real AK-47s/shotguns, thanks to the Cambodian soldiers trying to make an extra living. We paid USD25 to shoot 5 rounds of the shotgun. Not my cup of tea, I was terrified of the whole gun+shoot thingy.
City Sights:

Phnom Penh is NOT a pedestrian friendly city, let me tell you. Dozens of motorcycles with entire families on them (mothers clutching their babies, children in the front and in between)/tuk-tuks/cars heading towards all directions at a time. It took us a good few minutes to muster our courage to jaywalk across and pray for the best.

You can carry almost anything on a motorcycle in Phnom Penh - we saw a couple dozen chickens, an entire pig all trussed up (still alive) and immobile in a long basket and one that really made me cringe - a large sheet of glass being held upright by the pillion rider.
Sign at the Killing Fields. I don't really wanna post too much about it or S-21 here, suffice to say that it is a sordid reminder of the deepest darkest deeds the human soul is capable of.
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