Friday, February 29, 2008
Slaying the Dragon
I guess I should make the first move.
I KNOW I'll regret this if I continue sitting on my ass and waiting for things to happen to me.
I know I can do better than this.
I don't wanna lose that shine.
I wanna make them WANT me.
*This is obviously an attempt to psych myself up to swallow my damn pride and actually ask for a job.*
I just...........wanna go home and sleep, really.
Great Fast Company article that I just re-read to motivate myself - about the vital role middle management plays in "building pride" in an organization - essentially, Getting Extraordinary Performance When You Can't Pay for It. Love that. Wish more people in my organization would read it. It is NOT always about the money, you know. Simple recognition can go a long way in many, many circumstances. It's about bothering to do it or not.
At the end of the day, I am the Master of My Own Destiny.
As is the Law of Attraction, everything that happens to me, good or bad, is a product of my attitude to the universe around me. Don't think I didn't learn anything from my Core Leadership course, okay!
Pwah, at the same time I marvel at my ability to turn this supposed hiccup into a major drama. Heheh.
Okie, gotta go now, no sense wasting time blogging my miseries and innerself wrestling when there is a monster to go conquer.
Wish me luck, ok?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Stuck Between A Rock and a Hard Place
Falling falling falling......
Heheh, what did I just say in my previous post?
Anyways, am dreaming of cooking again - some braised pork, perhaps, with steamed buns to soak up the sauces? And am also dreaming of joo hoo char, a sweet-savury turnip dish made fragrant with dried squid and pork fat. My Auntie made it for our family potluck and all of a sudden I'm striken with an unbearable lust for it. Eaten with the lettuce leaves housemate bought but did not cook....
Crap, it's only 4 pm. What am I doing????
Back to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Resolution 1
I will not dwell on my lousy miseries.
I will be happy, regardless of circumstances.
Happiness is, after all, a choice.
I will make the best of the day.
I will pull out the stops of any job that I'm given.
I will NOT ALLOW anything to make me feel sorry for myself, cos that is the most crippling thing someone can do to him/herself.
I will prove my value, you see.
Today I'm gonna be a happy happy worker bee.
Photos are from our trip to Rome, in 2006 - what a wonderful reward after a year's of hard work
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Bario and Back Into Reality
We're back from a weekend in the heart of the Kelabit highlands, Bario. The air was cool and we walked and walked and walked through muddy paths and through valleys. We ate monkey, wild boar and deer, with soft, fragrant Bario rice and washed it all down with the juiciest pineapples you could ever find, what else but the Bario pineapple?
Sometimes I wish that my life could be so simple - that the outcome of my day could depend on whether I cought my game for the day or not. Am getting lost again in this sea of corporate confusion.
I cannot believe that I am so worked up because I have nothing to do. I have been "moved" 4 times around teams, and now have turned full circle back to the original team I wanted to join. Am being offered a position that looks and sounds great, and the bosses want it, but no one wants to create that position so I can fill that role. Isn't that ironic?
If and when I'm boss, I'll make sure I never leave my subordinate(s) in the dark like this. Now everytime boss calls me into his office, I get the chills and my heart beats so hard because I'm so scared he's going to pull the rug under me again and kill/elate me. Yes, I'm emotional about work. Especially when I have none to do.
So many announcements. But nothing is done, nothing is confirmed. Sigh.
I miss the decisiveness of the yesteryears
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Lessons from Penang
I think it's such a shame that a corporation, or an institution (could be a country, state, company, family???) with so much resources, that could be so much more than it is now, squander its assets and the very things that made it great in the first place. Complacency, overconfidence, and just the wrong, wrong priorities.
Before I joined this oil and gas goliath of an organization, I worked 2 years in a company founded by a Hungarian imigrant to the US fleeing World War II. When I first entered the organization, we (my fellow newbies and I) sat through a 1-week orientation where we were briefed about everything from payroll to whom to call if your airconditioning wasn't working. Then we were made to go through "compulsary" trainings - Effective Meetings, Constructive Confrontation, Decision Making, Performing to Values and Structured Problem Solving. After I left the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (the benchmark for all self-improvement books, I believe) became compulsary. My entire working environment was tailored so that I could do my job, focus on the CORE of the business, better. Everything from applying for my leave, getting IT helpdesk services to setting up my phone, cubicle, everything was just fast. HR, IT, Building Services, Safety realised that they were providing a service, that they were supporting the folks at the core, aka the people who brought in the money.
Sad to say here, the so-called "improvement" projects by our IT and HR serve to frustrate and add to the burdens of the folks in the field. More forms, more paperwork, more paper mail, more approval loops to go through when getting claims, applying for company loans, etc etc. What do we think? These projects were never intended to make our lives easier, they were just some wacko new experiment dreamt by folks who have more free time to think about how they can implement a project and get credit for the very sake of implementation and credit, and not to HELP the core folks (did I mention that it is the core folks who bring in the moolah and not the supports?). And the core folks just have there ridiculous new concepts shoved down their throats, on top of keeping the multimillion dollar facilities alive and spinning money from the ground below.
And ex-company had Accountability. I can't believe how much I miss this simple concept. Ability to speak was one thing, the main thing was the delivering of results. And whom does one ask for feedback on an individual? Surely his customer, his subordinates, his peers. Not just how his boss sees or hears him/her. It was that simple.
In ex-company, if I wanted this piece of information I knew exactly how or where to get it. It was that structured. In current co, well, I have to go on a wild goose chase to find out who held this position I'm holding now in 1982 and beg him to give me that info. Good luck, and oh, if you can't find the guy, then just get new data. After all, we have lots of money and time (although we say we don't, of course) to pay someone to do it and wait for him to do it.
I sometimes imagine what could the possibilities be if the same corporate mentality was used here, where I am now, what a great place this would be. In ex-company, if you took your time with it you missed the technology boat. New is not novel, it's a necessity if you want to survive. Speed, efficiency were the names of the game. And little expense was spared for training and R & D. Of course, current co. prefers to spend money employing other companies to do most of its employees' work, because current co.'s folks are too busy travelling to Holland business class to do real work.
Here, we need to get 20 people to drive to a hotel half an hour away (or fly them across the ocean) to list every single pro and con of making the decision, then one week later we fly a bigger group of people to another swankier place to review the decision of making that decision.
That, in my opinion, would not be necessary if we started making people accountable, answerable for the decisions they make. Then we would think more, do a lot more background work before we do what we do.
And we have endless lessons learnt "workshops" but no one ever brings these lessons learnt, or no one knows how to use those lessons in the next big project.
And you can't just "assure" that things are done by ticking off a checklist. And you can't force your needs onto others who are chasing theirs as well. You gotta earn their respect, and offer a solution. We're working for $$ at the end of the day, not to sate our egos.
You know what? Despite the fact that I'm earning 3 times of what I was at ex-company, I've always been a proud ex-company employee. But now, with my colleague's tardiness,, boastfulness, overconfidence and refusal to take responsibility, I have never been proud of being an employee. And you gotta respect where you work if you want to do well, don't you? Don't you have to believe and share the same values as the majority of whom you work with?
Well, at least I did when I was offshore. Back in the office, it's a totally different, and a rather more unpleasant ballgame.
You might think that I am, after all, working for current co. And that I, and only I made the decision to leave ex company to work in current company. All true. And this is a mere rant, of course. But I just have to get this off my chest, ok?
Quote from Andy Grove, and something that many of us, myself included, fail to practice:
"Be straight with everyone. This isn't an easy principle to stick to. There are always many reasons (better to call them excuses) to compromise a little here or there. We may reason that people are not ready to hear the truth or the bad news that the time isn't right, or whatever. Giving in these rationalizations usually leads to conduct that can be ethically wrong and will backfire everytime."
Plus a little pick me up, also from Mr. Grove - something to live by in the mediocrity of today's reality:
"Don't be encumbered by history, go and do something wonderful."
Happiness, fulfillment and how we work everyday is a choice. I will be accountable, and I will do my homework, make my decisions, do my work and go home contented every day.
Live and work by my own standards, and by those higher than mine own, of course.
Back to Square One
I used to to be in charge of 40, up to a few hundred men at a time.
I used to give instructions to men a few times my size.
I used to make purchases in the sums of millions.
I used to get 30+ calls a day.
I used to survive 20-hour days on my feet, on a potent mixture of caffeine and adrenaline.
I used to be amazed at how quickly 2 weeks could pass us by, and then it was time for a holiday again.
I used to feel useful and needed.
I used to feel like I really belonged.
Now I'm back to reading manuals and documentation that put me to sleep, and floundering again.
Now, if I sleep later than midnight, I can't concentrate on my day, cos I don't know what I;m doing, really.
Now, I feel like I've just joined this place, all over again. Back to square one, I am.
Photos taken by my way more talented brother using a cheaper Nikon we bought 4 years ago.
Guess where they went?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Of Lemmings & Pig Wrestling
Life gets uncomfortable sometimes. Like today, for instance - should I pursue what I want?
Or wait it out until ex-Boss is back to, erm, back me up? Think I'll lie low for today.
Am working out a negotiation plan. A trade off, perhaps? Win-win, maybe.
- am currently reading Never Wrestle with a Pig (and 90 Other Ideas to Build Your Business and Career). which I bought at the airport yesterday waiting for my connecting flight back to good ol' Miri.
It's got lots of practical advice, e.g. we really tend to over-rate and over-value ourselves; plan for Thursday on Tuesday; you don't need 10 good reasons to kill one bad decision, etc etc. And of course, never wrestle with a pig, namely that person who HAS to get the last word all the time, who thinks he/she is smarter/better/suffers more than everyone else. You get dirty and only the pig enjoys it. I like that advice. Lots of pigs here.
That's a lot of common sense. You'd think we'd realize these kind of things, huh? Most of the time we're drowning in "decision-making" meetings because one guy can take the bullet but you can't punish the whole group can you? It's like freakin' Emperor's New Clothes here. Or Pipe Piper of Hamelyn. We're the lemmings of non-accountability and talk-but-no-walk. Or to be more precise, talk-but-someone-else-walk.
So in my opinion, the book's a nice refreshing wake up call. Akin to a cold shower in the mornings - really wakes you up, but not as torturing :) And made for a really interesting flight read too. I was wishing that I had a flourescent markerthe whole time, so I could highlight the really good ones.
Chose it over The Law of Attraction, which seemed a but wishy-washy to me. Learning to stop negative "vibrations", etc etc just ain't cutting it with me. So, no regrets, despite Pigs being slightly more expensive and the really great reviews for LoA on Amazon.
Received my letter of appointment today, and sat through the boss of the boss of the boss of my boss yawning through his talk with me. Why do you think your perception of the programme is so different from others? Erm, because I give off positive vibes (must be my deodarant).
Anyways, did a little gentle lobbying for the position I want. Hey, take all the opportunities we can, right?
Wish me luck.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Might as well give up now.....
9 unfavourable months??? Are you kidding me???
- taken from
Rooster Ratings
37% (2 favorable, 1 neutral and 9 unfavorable months) In general, none of the Rooster's traits appeal to, or are well tolerated by the Rat. After the Horse, the Rooster is the sign most likely to have a challenging year. There will, nevertheless, be a few opportunities. A cooperative attitude, and winning allies. are likely to be keys to your success. On the other hand, if you succumb to the Rooster propensity for arguing and quarrels, you could have a very difficult time. It is up to you to minimize the damage by displaying the right attitude.Rooster Career
Progress may be a little slow on the career front this year. Do not dismay when plans go astray and be especially careful not to over-react to your coworkers when they do. Take time to understand the roots of your problems and use your sharp mind, not your tongue, to resolve them. If you wish to be successful in a more challenging year, you will need the support of your co-workers and your superiors. This is definitely not a year to go it alone. Mental stimulation is high this year, so be sure to seek out training opportunities.
Rooster Relationships
The energies of the year are not as conducive to relationship success for you. The single Rooster needs to take care not to rush into anything new this year, as things may not always be quite what they seem. Your social life will be fun, although you must be careful not to do anything too crazy and get yourself caught up in a situation you do not want to be in. The Rooster in a relationship needs to take care and avoid missteps, as small problems have the potential to erupt into larger, uncontrollable ones this year.
Rooster Health
As it is not the best year for relationships, you must be particularly careful when the added stressed caused from relationship problems could be detrimental to your health. The best thing for you to do this year is stay active and use the physical activities to reduce the added stress levels you are experiencing. Remember, the mindset of the Rat can be particularly aggravating to a Rooster, so take care of yourself.
Rooster Wealth
If you have not already created a budget for the year, now is the time to do it. When you do, make sure to plan for the unexpected as heavy expense may occur and have you dipping into your hard earned savings. Take care when shopping and spending, as the temptation for something new could come back to bite you down the road.
Year of the Rat - Day 1
Why don't I feel like celebrating. Is it because of the ominous feeling that this is not a good start to the new (Chinese) year?
- I lost my camera
- I went out for an evening walk 4 days ago and my knees still hurt from that walk - today
- I feel like sleeping all the time
- I feel like I've put on weight (see previous 2 points)
- Everytime I try to get up from sitting/lying down, I get a temporary "blackout" and my everything seems to spin/turn black. Low blood pressure?
- I don't feel like baking/cooking at all
- Worse - I lost my appetite too. In Penang!!! (and yet I feel fatter)
- I get all angsty and pissed off at the slightest things
- I actually feel guilty for missing so many days of work
- But then again, I'm worried about going back to work - no idea where I'm going or what I'll be doing and no mood to face the (projected to be) long drawn battle to get what I want/need
- The only thing that interests me now is surfing the Net for stuff to buy online, but even if I could afford to buy 'em, I have no place to wear them to. Sad, ain't it??
Cross fingers that it's just a hormone imbalance that's causing everything now.
Upside: Bought tickets to Bario~! We'll be going in 2 weeks' time. Cross fingers that knees will feel well enough for jungle walks.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
On the Rebound
It has become part of me. I loved snapping random shots wherever I went, and it contributed to ALL the photos (except the clothes - I snagged them off the Outlets-Online website) here.
So I really miss my never-lived up-up-to-my-expectations Olympus.
And here's the baby to cure my blues - the Canon Ixus 70, or SR1000. Excellent for a vain and brainless baboon like me who hates fiddling around too much with her gadgets (I guess this shows you what an excellent engineer I am) yet wants to look nice - the Canon SD1000. Sleeker than the (better, cheaper) A570 so its "buy me" factor totally wins me.
Tried my damnest to put a pic here (again, a demonstration of my engineering prowess). Will do when I can.
Now, where can I find an extra thousand bucks to buy it?
I feel a lot less volatile today. Accepted the fact that I was careless, and well, I always kinda regretted buying this model anyways. This is gonna give me the chance to really pick out a model that I really really like. Like a Canon Ixus.
Crap. Am turning into a materialistic bimbo. There was one point in my life when money didn't matter - I saw myself volunteering with wildlife conservation, working for the Medicins Sans Frontieres or something like that.
Well, fat lot of good pursuing an engineering degree did to those dreams.
These days I dream of getting cross posted to a better place than here - or of postings in Nigeria or Sakhalin. Earn the big bucks then returning to a relatively comfy life here. I dream of affording expensive shoes and holidaying in Cambodia. Dang it, should I say at least it's not Paris? Heheh.
Where have all the good intentions gone? What happened to making a difference? To living one's life to the fullest good? Gone, gone, gone. Today I want a Canon Ixus, a floaty summer dress, and a ticket to Angkor Wat.
Tribute to my camera, which enabled me to take all these photos of my dearest Baby, whom I had to leave in Miri under the care of the neighbour, and whom I'm missing so much.
After his bath - grooming session so he'd look all fluffy and handsome:
Lovin' on the couch...